How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Eggplant (it didn't change from last week?!?)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11 pounds. Well, friends, my modest weight gain is apparently gone. The weight is here and it came with a vengeance. 5 pounds in 1 week is nothing short of insane. I blame Easter. Time for me to try to tone it down...
Maternity Clothes: Mostly.
Gender: A beloved son!
Movement: He was very active in the middle of the night last night. I think he knew neither Rob or I could sleep so he wasn't going to miss out on the party.
Sleep: Rob has had insomnia for a month and consequently mine has gotten worse. I think part of it is my body getting me ready to have to start waking up frequently when le bebe gets here.
What I miss: I'm kind of depressed for the past day for the last day or so and in conclusion I don't have much to share. Sorry.
Cravings: No specific cravings this week. Maybe that's my psyche trying to make up for the massive weight I gained in one week, LOL.
Symptoms: A B-I-G Bebe Belly!
Best Moment this week: Finishing registering. Babies 'r' Us is stressful! Registering for our wedding was super fun but trying to register for gear you know nothing about is tiresome. I had to go three separate times!
And, since I have "no shame" and constantly talk about my Heparin treatments, I thought I would take a moment to "brag" and show that my bruises are considerably better. I know a lot of women in my position get bruises worthy of horror films and with few exceptions over the months, I have been lucky to have only minor to moderate bruises.