Monday, June 20, 2011


So money is tight 'round these parts. Mainly, we are on a tight budget so that I can take have private health insurance. Our aim is to always rely on our own resources as opposed to government assistance (no shame in utilizing it, just leaving it for those who truly need it.) We couldn't afford for Rob to go onto COBRA, too, so he will have insurance in 3 months with his new employer. In the meantime, we are saying lots of prayers to ensure his safety.

All this to say, my husband has been slaving away at his new job. The hours are much better and he has been blessed with ample work (a far cry from his last job!) This past week he worked six days and he is anticipating a good pay check. He called me a minute ago and said, "I did even more hours than I originally thought. My check will be good. Now you can buy nursing bras and clothes that fit!" It was a very sweet sentiment. My pricey, sexxxy Frederick's of Hollywood bras have all but quit on me and it is time to make the move to something a little more pregnancy-practical. I had mentioned needing a few things and obviously he was listening. He is so proud to care and provide for his family. I, in turn, am proud of him and his work ethic.

Yesterday was Rob's first unofficial Father's Day and we spent the morning in the Minute Clinic because he has been having a severe allergic reaction to poison ivy. I won't make you lose your lunch with a photo but let's just say it is drawing stares and comments from strangers. Despite this, he put off seeing the RNP as long as he could and he has been suffering through the reaction in the heat. I had been pressuring him to go it looked at but he simply didn't want to take the time off. (It wasn't a money issue, as clearly we have reserves for this and medical attention is necessary. ) I'm simply so thankful I was blessed with a man who puts his family first. Hopefully the steroid therapy helps and he is back to feeling himself shortly!

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